Today we are excited to present you with an exclusive selection of products on sale that you absolutely cannot miss.
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At Mobilificio Marchese Black Friday starts now! A whole month of special promotions on stock items and on all new orders.
Discover the new Living Divani 2021 collection. Armchairs, tables and the inevitable sofas made with a perfect balance between design and functionality.
After the great success of last year, this year Baxter has decided to revive again the Milano Worldwide 2021 initiative. Baxter's 2021 collection takes inspiration from the world of art, fashion, design, and architecture. It was born as a contamination among different visions all united by the daring use of colour and a less formal idea of spaces. Discover the new collection, now available on Mobilificio Marchese.
We've received and reviewed for you the new 2021 collection signed by Antonio Citterio for Flexform. Discover with us a different way of thinking design.
Discover how choose the perfect design doors for your home. Albed offers a the best solutions, designed and made in Italy.
Mobilificio Marchese offers to its clients and friends from all around the world a special deal. Discover our Ramadan 2021 sale.
Discover the Liu Jo Living Collection on Mobilificio Marchese. Sofas, armchairs, tables and beds with a geometric and modern design, perfect to create comfortable and always revolutionary environments. Every element of furniture is designed to supports the assertion of personal style, facilitating combinations and customisations.
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